17 States
7 Lab Partners
$2 Milllion
Lab Aquistion
1 State
$4 Million
GROSS Revenue
1 Lab
37 States
$7 Million
GROSS Revenue

Gross Revenue
$22 Million
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Best Value
Level One
Valid for 6 months

Best Value
Level Two
Valid for 6 months

Best Value
Level Three
Valid for 6 months

Best Value
Level Four
Valid for 6 months

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Level Five
Valid for 6 months

Best Value
Level Six
Valid for 6 months
Invest Smartly: Diversify Your Portfolio.
Earn up to 5% on your investment over the course of 6 months.

Scale & Grow.
With a proven business model and growing demand, your investment positions CarePoint for substantial growth. As technology evolves, the ability to connect directly with key stakeholders creates immediate opportunities for expansion and scale. The investment funds will be strategically allocated to:
Expanding Market Reach
Customer Acquisition & Marketing
Operational Efficiency
Hiring Key Talent
Business Operations
Building Partnerships and Strategic Alliances
Scaling the Product or Service
We invite you to explore our prospectus by clicking here.

Better than the bank.
We have a clear path for growth and your investment in CarePoint Lab is positioned to deliver better returns than traditional bank savings. This round offers a one-time investment opportunity for 6 months in the form of a convertible note. At the conclusion of this period, investors will earn up to 5% returns plus their initial principal.
This provides flexibility, allowing you the option to either cash out or reinvest for continued growth.
Your invited.